“We are a Polish producer of scrapbooking papers and extra elements. With our papers even a small inspiration turns into creative crafts in a smooth and natural way. We have published over 30 collections, from which thousands of fantastic craft were created. Some of them are shown by satisfied customers in our open inspirational group on Facebook. We love flowers, so you find them in most our collections. We are also known for our cute children’s collections and numerous (really numerous) extra graphic elements to cut. We produce papers with two brands: Craft O’Clock and Friends & Craft O’Clock.
Collections for the Craft O’Clock brand are designed by our owner – Renia Ludwińska. These collections are connected by an atmosphere of a morning, delicacy, gentleness and good mood. Collections for Friends & Craft O’Clock brand are designed by friendly designers and craft creators. Karolina Bukowska and Katarzyna Kędzierska is one of regular designers for this brand. More talented designers with individual graphic styles and tastes will join us in this brand.”
- Renia Ludwińska (owner)
Some of the popular products we carry
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